Friday, May 15, 2015

Homemade Chorizo

I like making homemade Chorizo for two reasons - The first reason is that store bought Chorizo cooks up a little on the oily side. The second reason is with homemade you get to control the flavors that you put in it.

Homemade Chorizo


• 2 lbs. of ground pork
• 6 ounces of ground pork belly fat (Do not skip the fat; it will help in the curing of the chorizo).
• 2 tablespoons of salt
• 8 guajillo peppers
• 6 ancho peppers
• 1 cup of apple cider vinegar
• 3 tablespoons of paprika
• 6 garlic cloves, peeled and minced
• 2 bay leaves
• 1/3 of a tablespoon of ground black pepper
• ½ tablespoon of ground cumin
• 3/4 tablespoon of oregano
• ½ teaspoon of dry marjoram
• ½ teaspoon of coriander seeds
• ½ teaspoon of dry thyme
• 6 cloves
• ½ teaspoon ground allspice



• At least one hour before starting to process the meat and pork fat, place them in the refrigerator. This will make the meat easier to handle.
• Wipe the peppers clean. Remove stems and cut lengthwise. Remove seeds, and place in a bowl. Cover with hot water and let sit for 30 minutes.
• Meanwhile, grind the spices and dry herbs using a spice grinder or mortar and pestle.
• Discard water and place the peppers in a blender. Add the vinegar and garlic cloves and puree until smooth; set aside.
• Place the pork meat and fat in a large bowl. Add the ground mixture of herbs and spices. Mix well. Add the chili sauce and combine until well mixed.
• Place in your refrigerator for a day to season in a well covered glass container. This step will enhance the flavor.
• After a day mix again the mixture and wrap it in small packages, it will freeze well for months.
Note: You can cut this recipe in half to make a smaller portion.

Breakfast Burrito with Chorizo, Potato, Egg, Cheese, and Salsa

Potatoes (diced)
Cheddar Cheese


Cook potatoes in a pan with some oil until golden brown and slightly crispy. 

Add chorizo to the pan, cook, breaking it up with a wooden spoon, until cooked through, about 5 minutes. 

Add the eggs to pan and cook, stirring with a wooden spoon, until softly scrambled.

Warm tortillas in skillet until pliable, about 20 seconds. Add the chorizo, potato, and egg mixture between the tortillas. 

Add cheese, cilantro, and roll the tortilla into a burrito shape.

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