Saturday, July 25, 2015

Crockpot Hasselback Potatoes

Crockpot Hasselback Potatoes


6 medium Potatoes
3 rashes of Bacon or Ham (Or Both)
1 cup shredded Cheese
Sour Cream

I actually used slices of ham to put in between the potatoes and slices of cheese. Then I topped with cheese and chopped bacon.


Slice to near base of potatoes
Insert bacon and cheese between slices
 Line slow cooker with baking paper
Place bacon filled potatoes into slow cooker
Sprinkle cheese all over tops of potato

Place a tea towel under lid of slow cooker to absorb moisture
Cook on high for 3 to 4 hours Dish is cooked when potatoes are tender and cheese is melted and crisp.
No pre-cooking of potatoes or bacon is needed nor is browning afterwards. 

Then top with fresh herbs, green onion, chives or sour cream 

Note: Putting a tea towel under the lid absorbs condensation that gets formed; so it makes things that are supposed to be crispy like bacon crisp, and it makes cakes and breads not soggy.

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